Rear Window

On this Labor Day so wet and dreary, I was still deciding if it was a foggy day or just dawn, when color dotted the gray palette.

2013-09-02 08.28.512013-09-02 08.29.18









Like Jimmy Steward in Hitchcock’s Rear Window, I grabbed my camera (phone) and started to snap.  But no foul murder was taking place.  It was the gathering for the New Haven Road Race.  The Green is one launching point for the run, taking place all over the city.  On this day, when the Long Island Sound isn’t even visible from my other view, I had a rear window seat for the race.

And they’re off…

The video is brief.  The scene went on and on.  Their efforts made me get into my own labors, at least before the band starts playing in the after-run party!



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